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Here's just a sampling of canapés on offer. Together we can come up with many more options to choose from. These items are subject to cost, availability and seasonality. 


Mini Bacon and Leek Quiches

Spicy Lobster Salad

Rice Paper Veggie Rolls with Dipping Sauce

Prosciutto wrapped Shrimp

Sirloin Beef Sliders with Caramelized Onions and Blue Cheese

Roasted Red Pepper and Chevre Phyllo cups

Salmon Fish Cakes with Seasonal Fruit Salsa


Mac and Cheese Bites with Bacon Jam

Pea Puree and Ricotta Salata in Phyllo Cups

Ratatouille in Parmesan Cups

Crab and Mango Salad in Apple Cups

Caramelized Onion Tarts

Garlic Chicken on Rice Cakes

Duck Tourtiere Crostini

Minted Lamb on Puff Pastry

Crispy Pork Belly Spoons

Seared Scallops with Beer Bacon jam

Pulled Pork on Toast

Thai Marinated Pork Riblets

Prosciutto wrapped Asparagus

Mini Mushroom Pizzas

Tuna Tartar on Spoons

Chicken Liver Pate with Red Onion Jam on Brioche Toast

Mini Beef and Ales Pies

Chicken and Leek Pie

Sweet Potato and Goat Cheese Samosas

Raspberry Vanilla Tartlets

Chocolate Caramel Pot de crèmes

Blini with Smoked Salmon

Pork Cheek Sliders with Smoked Cheddar